My crazy girls

My girls, Nora and Gretchen, are the light in my life! They bring me so much happiness everyday. Now I am not saying that it has always been easy, Gretchen graced us with colic that started when she was 2 weeks old and ended when she was 8 weeks old, she only wanted mommy and never wanted daddy, that gets very tiring after awhile! Now she is such a joy to be around. Her smile is contagious! Nora is my stubborn 3 1/2 year old. Matt says she gets her stubborness from her mommy...maybe that's true:)! She is trying to branch out on her own and be little miss independent. I think when they named it the terrible 2's they haden't met my 3 year old yet...2 was easy compared to 3!! Nevertheless, I LOVE my girls!! They are the greatest! Here are some pictures of them loving each other!!


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