Gretchen's 6 month checkup

Today we went to Gretchen's 6 month check up. She had to get three more shots which were not fun. She cried so hard when she got poked and then I picked her up and it was as if nothing had been done to her. She stopped crying and started smiling at the nurse. The ear infection that she was diagnosed with on Monday is already looking a lot better. He said there is no redness at all and very minimal fluid. Her weight is up to 17 lbs 8 oz, which puts her in the 78% for her age, and her length was 27 1/2 inches, which puts her in the 98% for her age! She continues to be way above average for her length. In fact she is the average length of a 9 month old! She still is not big on eating rice cereal and the Dr. suggested adding a little bit of applesauce to it to see if she likes that. Once she starts to do well with that we can begin to introduce sweet potatoes and other veggies. Gretchen finally rolled over both ways! She rolled over from her back to stomach while she was in her crib so no one saw it, until we walked in and found her sleeping on her tummy. Then she finally did it in front of us about a week ago. And then 2 nights ago she rolled from her stomach to her back! It's about time. She is already very close to sitting up on her own! She is growing so fast I really wish she would slow down! That's the update on the little Munchkin! Hope all is well!


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