Nora's 3 year checkup

Today we went to the Dr. for Nora's 3 year well child exam. She checked out perfectly! My big girl is 34.6 lbs and 41 inches tall!!! She is the average weight of a 4-5 year old and the average height of a 5 year needless to say for a 3 year old she is OFF THE CHARTS!! I was wondering why her 4T pants and shirts were getting a little short on her, now I know! Even though she may be the average 4-5 year old in weight and height, she is still the average 3 year old when it comes to her stubborness and attitude! She is a little stinker! Then there are the moments like when she comes up and hugs me and says for no reason at all, "I love you, mommy!" That just melts my heart! She is my little angel and I wouldn't trade her for anything in the world! Love you, Nora!


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